Kelas'ra Sanpou
Of the Somber smile
Cast from his home in Corvos with nothing but the clothes on his back and whispers at his heels he knew he needed to get as far away from his tribe as he could...even if that meant crossing the ocean to worlds unknown.
His Story
"No Man deserves to be in matter how Gilded they may be."

The Early Years
Born as the fifth son in a small Keeper tribe in Southeast Corvos, Kelas'ra was blissfully unaware of the outside world as he was hidden away by his Seeker father, G'ota'a, due to inheriting the Allagan Eye. After The Bozja Incident occurred the tribe became reclusive, withdrawing into the lush jungles where he would spend the rest of his childhood helping raise livestock and learning how to hunt and cook from his parents.
At the age of fifteen, Kelas'ra was on a routine solo hunt in the jungle when he crossed paths with Garlean poachers, beaten to within an inch of his life when he tried to escape. One of the soldiers recognized the red hue of his eye and suggested returning with reinforcements to search for others. Furious at his carelessness, the tribe's matriarch banished him, threatening to give him to the soldiers to take as bait in exchange for the safety of the tribe. With the help of his family he escaped the tribe's wrath and soon found himself alone, avoiding Garlean patrols until he came under the wing of a tavern keep on the Merchant's Road, working as a kitchen boy until, drawn by tales of heroes and adventurers, he was able to travel to Radz-at-Han and then finally, to Eorzea.
The Lost Years and The Aftermath
Kelas'ra arrived in Limsa Lominsa and struggled to join the Adventurer's Guild until he was taken in by a small adventuring party. With an infectious smirk and nigh unintelligible accent he earned his keep in the group and by the time he turned 19 he found himself on the Flats of Carteneau, watching in horror as Dalamud fell above him. He doesn't know how he survived, remembering only a bright flash of light before he woke in the care of the Coeurl Claws of the South Shroud about a week later with no memory of his time and companions from Limsa.
Kelas'ra wandered the Shrouds for a time, lingering with various Ala Mhigan refugee camps before working his way to Gridania. Searching for work, he soon found himself alongside Timbermaster Beatin, honing his carpentry skills passed along by his father.
The Order, The Fall, and the The Uncertain Future
Kelas'ra would become quite the carpenter under Beatin's tutelage, earning accolades all the while still practicing his skills as an archer in his off time. After the end of the Dragonsong War, he was tasked to go to Ishgard to oversee the restoration efforts of the city and assist with shuttling materials and projects back and forth. During one fateful journey back to Ishgard he was introduced to The Order of Saint Reinette and prospered with them as his anchor to the city; however, as with all good things this too would come to an abrupt end with a botched attempt in investigating a Voidsent infestation, earning himself a strange illness and the commandeering of the Order by the Holy See in a cover up attempt by the church. His life spared solely by Inquisitor de la Ackald, he's taken in by his now close friend and "warden", the two going on to operate under the guise of Halone's Most Heavenly Respite. Working in the shadows to keep the city safe at the behest of the Inquisitors while also searching for a cure for his condition before his body is fully consumed by the Void, he struggles to balance his double life as both budding Voidsent and the Respite's resident cook and handyman.
His duty
"It matters not what becomes of me, all I know is that I must see this through. I did make a promise, after all."
Current Age: Late 20s
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Patron Deity: The Manusya Sisters (favors Cinduruva)
Race: Miqo'te, 1/2 Keeper of the Moon and 1/2 Seeker of the Sun
Height: 5 Fulms tall
Relationship status: It's Complicated
Orientation: Bisexual
Home: Formerly Corvos, currently resides partly in Gridania and partly in Ishgard
Languages: Corvosi, basic Thavnarian, Eorzean (verbal only), Huntspeak and broken Ixali
Occupations: Carpenter and Cook, Archer
Eye Color: Right eye Sapphire Blue, Left eye Allagan Red
Natural Hair Color: Black, slowly fading to white.
Notable Features: A long scar over his Blue eye and another small one across his left jaw, a dark bruise-like mark across the right side of his neck; a large unknown scar across his left hip, various small scars across his body, two moles above the tail and one on his right shoulder blade
Personality: Polite and sincere, he tries his best to be a friendly face to those who may have need of him. Armed with a shite-eating grin and a penchant for sarcasm he is ever eager to prove himself even if it causes him harm.
His Vices
His Virtues
* "My Da always said the best way to a person's heart was through their stomach. Rest assured, I'm almost certain he did not mean that literally." *
Hooks and Traits:Cooking is Kelas'ra's love language and a cultural hold-over from Corvos. He is always glad to feed his friends traditional foods from home and has a habit of making more servings than he reasonably should. He will frequently bring you homemade goods if you allow him.Kelas'ra is surprisingly rather religious but values a more personal approach than large temples or elaborate ceremonies. You can always find fresh offerings in his home shrine to the Sisters whereas he maintains a healthy respect for the various gods and goddesses of Eorzea.Kelas'ra is always busy busy busy; between his commissions at the Carpentry Guild and working at the Respite he's also known to offer his skills to companions and can frequently be found assisting in home or business repairs and general maintenance.Those who have known him for a long time have noted how much his personality has shifted in the past couple of years. Once boisterous and peppy he has become a shadow of his former self - anxious and mellow and quiet. You can try and pry as to the reason, but be prepared for fake smiles and placating words.Kelas'ra is unable to use the aetherytes around the cities or use abilities that require aether. Doing so will cause him to become nauseous and experience intense vertigo, meaning he will need to sit and recompose himself for a moment. His "Aether Sickness" can tend to rear its ugly head at the most inopportune times, leading him to disappear frequently without a notice. As such, he will always take the "scenic route" to a job location.Although ever chipper and eager to please, Kelas'ra has an intense fear of abandonment and worries about becoming a burden due to his...condition. Fiercely loyal, he'll do anything to prove his worth, even if that means placing himself in harm's way to keep his companions and his son safe, be it from others or from himself.
His Memories
* "So tell me your stories, your joys and sorrows. Let me house them, a memento mori for the times that could have been." *
Hello!I'm Shai, Kelas'ra's perpetual tormentor. I play on the Crystal Data Center, Balmung specifically, but I don't mind running around on other worlds or data centers. You can usually find me online after 6 pm EST during the weekdays and any time on the weekends and I'm always happy to interact out in the world both IC and OOC!I'm fine with walk ups or tells and love dark/horror/mature story lines, but I also have a blast with comedy one offs as well. Anything is game, so long as everyone is respectful of each other! I am old af, so please 18+/21+ only.Find me on Twitter for screenshots, art and more at !I look forward to seeing you when our paths cross!

His Family
"I know I live on borrowed time and the flame of this life burns ever quickly. This land has become my home and you my family. As such, I will protect you all with my dying breath. No matter what it matter what it takes."
Kelas'ra has come across many people along his life's journey thus far, but there are only a select few he has come to trust with his worries and fears.
(More to come at a later date!)Inquisitor de la Ackald
A Halonic Inquisitor that originally was in charge of watching over The Order to ensure they complied with the Holy See. He took pity on Kelas'ra in the wake of his illness and works to ensure his Miqo'te friend has a steady (somewhat ethical) stream of aether and Holy Water to keep him from turning completely. He's become one of Kel's closest companions in Ishgard and the two frequently share their hopes and worries over drinks in the Respite's office.Anshelm Shale
An Ala Mhigan refugee and Kelas'ra's oldest and possibly closest friend he met during his time in the Shrouds, the two hiding out in the forests and helping each other in their early days. Known for appearing and disappearing on a whim, he frequently shows up at Kelas'ra's cottage toting gifts and ingredients from Gyr Abania and is one of the few who can always tell when Kelas'ra is lying or hiding something.Kryslona Geissbornwyn
A Seawolf woman known for her kind smile and ability to drink half the party under the table. She's always concerned for Kelas'ra's failing health and tries to get him to rest, thought he never listens. He's considered confessing his true feelings towards her but fears putting her in harm's way. so instead he merely smiles and keeps her at a cautious length. However, he's slowly started to open up and get closer to her, so who knows where their relationship will lead...Teka'a Jinjahl/Sanpou
Kelas'ra's adopted son. The sole survivor of a Voidsent attack on a Keeper clan in the Shrouds, Kelas'ra originally was going to bring him to an orphanage but couldn't bring himself to part with the boy. Teka'a soon grows extremely attached to his father and is fiercely protective of him though he has no clue (yet) of Kelas'ra's curse. With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a sharp tongue well beyond his years, he's a natural with magick and goes on to have a pet Bloodstone Carbuncle named Karachul.Seo Voibont
A Viera scholar that's taken an unfortunate interest in Kel's life after secretly observing him "hunting" late one night. Using Kel's fear of being discovered by those he loves, the two have come to an agreement; Seo's silence in exchange for Kel's cooperation with experiments and answering any and all questions, no matter how invasive they may be.Hokonin and Warrick
A miqo'te woman and elezen man who watch over Kelas'ra cottage in Gridania while he's away. Warrick maintains the food stores and cleans while Hokonin is known mostly for her gossip and pining for Kelas'ra's attention, though both have realized there's something quite wrong with their friend and are working together to discover exactly what that is.Angoscia
A name whispered in the hushest of tones from Kelas'ra and only if you pry it from him. He will not speak of her nor will he acknowledge any requests for details and yet somehow this mysterious woman seems to hold sway over his tongue and his actions.